Well I had the day off......well sort of, for Memorial Day so I thought I would update you all on the Martin Clan. So much has happened in the last month and a half. We will start April 8
th when we added a new addition to the family. Grady F
inn was born to Nessa and Sean.
Aiden is now a big brother and loves him so much!!! That same weekend, Billy's brother Eric came out to visit and to look for a place. He is moving out here in two weeks. He graduated from Med school and is doing his residency in Colorado! Billy is thrilled!! April 17
th was a big milestone in the lives of Garrett and Savannah. They were finally baptised.........YEAH!!! It was a great time. Billy's parents came out and we celebrated with great friends and my family as well. May 5
th Garrett and Savannah starred in their first play. "Knights of the Rad Table". Savannah had multiple parts and was great! Garrett, my quiet one, had one of the main Knight parts and I about peed my pants watching him. I saw a side of him I did not know existed!!! The whole play was awesome! We finally ended soccer for Garrett so now he is only doing baseball and Savannah finished her season winning second place in
the championship match this morning. According to her, "we did not work this hard and come out here this morning to get second"!!! She cried for a good hour after the match........Oh she is her Mama's girl!! This is the last time she will play with these girls. They have been together for the last 2 years. What great coaches they had, great parents and great group of girls. I am sure Savannah will be on a team with some of them in the future, but it is a sad day. Syd is growing like a weed and
hilarious. She keeps us laughing. She is
definitely turning into a little individual. Sleep is not her strong point but she loves mimicking anything and everything we all do. She is all over the place and just a very happy little girl. I am excited that the summer is almost here so we can all hang out and enjoy each other more.
AND FOR THE BIG NEWS..............................................................The update on Billy and I...................We have been in hiding and quite a bit in shock. Sydney is going to be a big sister!!! Yes this is not a typo!!! We will be adding to the Martin Crew this coming November. I am just shy of 4 months. It has pretty much taken this long for us to come to grips with everything. I am
definitely showing but do not have anymore wonderful symptoms. Savannah is out of this world excited but Garrett sees the work that comes with a baby.......what a little man already!! Those of you who know the Zorn's (Lisa and Ryan), we are a week earlier than they are!! We will find out in a couple of weeks what we are having. Cross your fingers for a boy, but pray for a healthy, happy little one!!
Well that is about it. I know I have probably missed a few things but will have more time to update now that summer is coming! Enjoy the many pictures that this post holds!!

Garrett and Savannah's baptism

Pops and Savannah make a duct tape purse

Grady Finn is born